Eine Informationsseite von Betroffenen für Betroffene.
Von Beatrice, Ingrid und Marguerite (Fotos)

Our sincerest thanks go to all those people who feel for us in our distress, who support us in so many different ways, and who, through their solidarity, are helping us raise public awareness for this exceptionally painful form of bereavement.
So unexpected, so final – living with the suicide of someone close to you
What next for you and your Family?
Over a thousand people in Switzerland take their own lives every year. They leave behind family, friends, and a much wider circle of contacts. We are ourselves survivors. We have all lost people close to us to suicide and we have all felt left alone with our pain, our questions, our anxieties. We have been pushed to the limits of what we can endure. Thanks to the moral support and financial backing of a charitable foundation, we were able to launch this initiative to offer fellow survivors a way out of the darkness. We want to help you make sense of what you are going through and to point you in directions that will take you beyond the initial shock and enable you to say goodbye.
Of our wider circle, we ask that you remain present in our lives, that you support us in whatever practical ways you can, and that you keep the lines open. Of professional support services, we ask that you understand the scale of our devastation, that you bear our pain with us, and that you help us develop ways of looking ahead to the future. The path of healing we have embarked on is a long and arduous one.

What suicide survivors have in common with other bereaved and
how their loss is different.
Here are some personal stories on the subject of suicide
You might at some point feel unable to cope alone. If so, you should seek professional help. The first person to contact might be your family doctor or the local pastor. Talk to them about what happened, about your grief, and about your fears for the future.
Dargebotene Hand
Notruf Kinder und Jugendliche
(hotline for children and young People)
0848 35 45 55
Elternnotruf (hotline for parents)
061 261 15 15
Ärztliche Notrufzentrale Notfallpsychiater
(emergency psychiatric Services)
061 325 51 00
UPK Basel
Notfall für Erwachsene, Jugendliche
und Kinder
(emergency psychiatric services for children and adults)
061 325 81 81
UPK Basel Akutambulanz
Offene Sprechstunden für Erwachsene
(walk-in psychiatric clinic for adults)
Mon to Fri 8 a.m.–4 p.m.
061 553 56 56
Psychiatrie Baselland, Liestal
Notfall für Erwachsene
(emergency psychiatric services for adults)
061 325 82 00
Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie Basel
(psychiatric clinic for children and young People)
061 553 55 55
Psychiatrie Baselland, Liestal
Notfall für Kinder und Jugendliche(emergency psychiatric services for children and young People)
061 689 90 90
Zentrum Selbsthilfe Basel
(centre for self-help Groups)